Support our work
Make a donation today
Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter helps thousands of lost, unwanted, neglected, abused and abandoned animals every year. This work isn’t possible without the kind donations and fundraising efforts of the public and businesses around the North East.
We don’t receive any government funding and rely solely on donations from the kind public to continue our work. With our running costs now exceeding £1.25 million per year, donations are becoming more important than ever.
Donate nowLeave a gift in your will
Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter relies heavily on legacies to fund our vital animal welfare work in the North East. Learn more about the process of leaving us a gift in your will and the ways in which this can make a massive contribution to the future of the shelter.
Leave a gift in your willFundraise for us
Here at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter we are extremely grateful for those that give their time and dedication to fundraise for us. We have many schools, businesses, individuals and even groups of family and friends that get involved in all kinds to raise vital funds for our charity.
FundraiseCorporate Partnerships & Volunteering
Here at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter we are extremely grateful to the businesses we partner with whose support and donations help us to continue caring for and supporting animals. We also run Corporate Volunteering days on Wednesdays and Fridays where businesses spend the day helping out at the shelter, which has become incredibly popular.
Corporate Partnerships Corporate VolunteeringDonate to Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter today