Celebrate the unseen bonds that connect us

Remembering our family members and furry friends

By sharing a memory or leaving a message, you’re not just honouring a special someone, but also helping us continue our work with animals in need. Every story told and every memory shared helps us build a stronger community, united by the bonds of compassion and care.

So take a moment to read the tributes, reflect on the happy times, and if you feel moved to do so, add your own. Together, we keep the memories of our loved ones alive, right here in the heart of our community.

Tributes of Love

The following section includes our messages of tribute.

  • Nigel

    “Our lovely boy Nigel. Adopted 24/04/2005. We didn’t know his exactly age but he was with us until we had to do the kindest thing because he had an aggressive malignant melanoma. We stayed with him to the end. He left a big cat shaped hole in our lives. Nigel loved his garden , even when he was seriously ill he would sit and look at it and that is where he is resting now.”

    Elsie and Ian Robinson

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  • Claire Louise Johnson

    In memory of Claire Louise, who sadly passed away in February 2024. Her legacy lives on through her husband Neville and son, Martin, who fondly reminisced in tribute, “Mam had an immense love for all animals. She always said if she could, she’d turn our home into a sanctuary for lost and strays. This donation is a tribute to her memory and her unwavering compassion for all creatures great and small.”

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  • Timmy

    Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter pays tribute to Timmy, a 17-year-old black cat whose courageous journey from recovery to adoption epitomised the spirit of #ForeverHomeFriday. Timmy, who faced the challenges of hyperthyroidism and a significant surgical procedure, passed away in February 2024. Yet his legacy endures, inspiring the community to embrace the adoption of senior pets.

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